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How Temporary Alimony Makes Divorce Possible for Many
If your spouse is the primary breadwinner or tightly controls the marital finances, the prospect of filing for divorce might seem daunting. You might worry about how you will start supporting yourself if your spouse cuts you off from his income upon finding out you are divorcing him. Family law courts in Illinois can order one spouse to keep financially supporting the other while the divorce is in progress. This is called temporary spousal support. Without temporary spousal support, divorce simply would not be possible for many stay-at-home parents, disabled people, or older adults to initiate. Temporary alimony can help you maintain financial security while you are establishing separate residences and preparing to return to the workforce. If you need continued financial support from your spouse while you are working towards a final divorce decree, you should let your Rolling Meadows, IL, divorce lawyer know promptly. You will need to make your request for temporary alimony in your initial divorce filing.
How Does Having a Protection Order Affect Divorce Proceedings?
Ending a marriage with someone who has abused you can be a frightening time. Domestic abuse survivors should be aware that leaving the abuser does temporarily increase the risk that your spouse will try to hurt you. Abusers do not normally take it well when the person whose life they are used to controlling every aspect of tries to leave them. It is generally advisable for domestic abuse survivors to get an order of protection when they file for divorce. A protection order tells your spouse that he will be arrested if he tries to contact you or goes to your home, workplace, or sometimes your children’s schools. While it does not offer complete protection, a protection order can strongly discourage your spouse from continuing to abuse or harass you. Having a protection order can also influence the outcome of your divorce in some ways. You should be represented by an experienced Rolling Meadows, IL divorce attorney while you are ending an abusive marriage.
3 Ways to Divide Child Custody on Major Holidays
One of the most emotionally difficult parts of making a parenting plan is deciding where your children should spend the holidays. Nearly all parents want their children with them for major holidays that are normally spent with family. Parents often approach the discussion based on the idea that only one parent will get to celebrate a particular holiday with the children and the other will not, when that is not necessarily the case. There are creative solutions you can use so that both of you can fully enjoy the holidays with your children. An experienced Rolling Meadows, IL parental allocation attorney can help you plan to have the best holiday season with your children you can.
Celebrate on Different Dates
One option is to be flexible about when you celebrate the holiday. Some divorced parents celebrate major holidays on different dates so that each can be with their children on the day they celebrate. Even parents who are still together but have adult children with families of their own use this solution to accommodate everyone. If it is possible for one of you to celebrate a holiday several days early or late, this option can keep everyone happy - especially your children, who now get to celebrate twice.
How Can an Attorney Help the Mediation Process in a Divorce?
In most divorces, mediation helps resolve disagreements between the parties without a lengthy and costly court battle. It is so effective that courts often order couples to attend mediation before going to trial. Unlike litigation, mediation is a non-adversarial process that focuses on achieving a settlement through compromise. Since couples have more control over the outcome in mediation, they tend to reach settlement agreements that benefit both sides.
The best way to help ensure you get the most out of the mediation process is to hire an Illinois family law attorney who will guide you through the steps. Attorneys are not required at mediation sessions, but they can help protect you throughout the negotiations and achieve the best settlement possible.
How Does Divorce Mediation Work?
Mediation sessions are run by a mediator, a neutral third party who is certified in dispute resolution. Meetings can take place in an office or virtual setting and are attended by the mediator and both parties. Each side has the option of bringing his or her attorney. Here is what happens at a mediation session:
Can I Stop Paying Alimony if I Lose My Job?
When a couple files for divorce, a court will sometimes order one of the spouses to pay spousal support, also referred to as spousal maintenance or alimony. Judges base this decision on a host of factors. These include the financial needs of the payee — the spouse receiving the support — and the income of the payor, the spouse paying the alimony. The amount of spousal support is based on calculations prescribed by Illinois law.
But what happens if circumstances change? Does the payor need to continue paying alimony even if he or she loses employment? In some cases, the payor may be able to ask the court to modify the spousal support order. This article will discuss when you can request an order modification and how to contact an experienced Illinois family law attorney for legal assistance.
What Mistakes Do Parents Make Negotiating Parenting Time?
In Illinois, child custody consists of two parts: parental responsibilities, which refer to the parents’ duties to make major decisions for the child; and parenting time, which is time spent with the child (also called physical custody).
Before a court grants a divorce to two parents, it requires them to submit a parenting plan that outlines how they propose to divide child custody between each other. Some parents may agree on how to divide parental responsibilities and parenting time, while others may reach an agreement through negotiations in court-ordered mediation. Although it is not required to have an attorney present during mediation, consider hiring an Illinois child custody attorney to represent your side throughout negotiations.
What Does Parenting Time Include?
Provisions for how parenting time is divided are contained in the parenting plan. They include:
Does Adultery Affect Property Division in a Divorce?
One of the complex parts of the divorce process is property division, where marital property is divided between the parties. Marital property includes any assets that came into the possession of either spouse during the marriage, with some exceptions. In a divorce, both parties are entitled to a share of these marital assets. They can either divide them between themselves or a court can do it for them.
When a court distributes marital property, it will do so based on what the judge thinks is fair. This leaves many people to question what might affect their share of the assets. For example, what if one party caused the divorce? Will the other spouse receive a greater share of marital property? If one party ends the marriage by cheating, for example, does he or she forfeit his or her share of the assets?
As we explore the answers to these questions, keep in mind that an experienced Illinois property division attorney is the best legal resource.
Can Parental Alienation Factor into an Illinois Custody Decision?
Although different terms have been used to describe the alienation, brainwashing, or manipulation of a child during the split of their parents and child custody decisions, what is now known as alienation of parental affection has occurred at least since the 1800s. When renowned poet Percy Bysshe Shelley separated from his wife Harriet, the couple had a three-year-old daughter, and Harriet was pregnant with the couple’s son.
Harriet and her parents shut Shelley out of the lives of his children, and when Harriet committed suicide in 1816, Shelley was not even told of the death. Once he found out, he petitioned the court for custody of his children. The grandparents immediately began an assassination of character campaign, which was extremely successful. Shelley never saw his children again.
Since that time, turning children against one parent through lies and manipulation on the part of the other continues to happen and even has a name—parental alienation. There are no states across the nation that have a specific parental alienation law. Most states do, however, acknowledge the existence of parental alienation, along with the damage it can cause.
How to Prove You Signed a Prenup Against Your Will
Many people have a general sense of what a prenuptial agreement is: a document that a couple signs before they get married detailing how they will divide their assets and manage their finances in the hypothetical event of a future divorce. Although thinking about your marriage ending when you are still engaged can be unpleasant, many people enjoy the peace of mind it affords them. However, some people feel they signed their prenup against their will, and that can be enough of a reason to nullify it. If you are about to begin divorce proceedings but feel you were pressured into signing your prenup, a compassionate Rolling Meadows, IL family law attorney can review what happened and advise you on how to proceed.
Can I Prove That I Was Forced to Sign My Prenup?
People are sometimes pressured into signing a prenup against their will. Fortunately, there are several factors that the courts take into consideration when trying to decide whether this was the case, including:
What if My Ex Disagrees About Medical Decisions for Our Child?
There are many things to disagree about during a divorce. The biggest disagreements, however, often concern children. Parents who were recently making decisions together about their child begin to feel territorial about the child when the marriage ends. Then, making decisions about their child’s education, health, or religious upbringing becomes a series of arguments.
Illinois law tries to prevent many of these disagreements before they happen by requiring parents to make a parenting plan. A parenting plan is legally binding, so it is best to have it drafted by an experienced family lawyer.
What Is a Parenting Plan?
A parenting plan is a document that details how you and your ex-spouse will co-parent your child together. During a divorce, the parents must submit a parenting plan to the court for approval. If they do not agree on one, each parent submits his or her own and the court will make one for them.